Starting from the Beginning


Just didn’t want to loose the QR code. Wanted to keep it on hand.

The most important thing that should be straightened out right away is: What exactly is gluten?

I have had quite a bit of conversations with people that confuse gluten and glucose. If I was unable to eat glucose I would probably die, considering I tend to eat more sugar than the average person. I eat candy daily, especially Lemon Heads. Gluten on the other hand is wheat, barley and rye. Whatever product you are buying at the store, ALWAYS read the ingredients. I cannot stress that enough.

So what is the difference between gluten-intolerant vs. Celiac Disease (CD):

Both are different responses to gluten protein, but have near identical symptoms, making it harder to really diagnosis which one an individual really has.
Gluten intolerant is when gluten is not digested or may still be digested, but causes allergic responses outside the gut. and Celiac Disease is when gluten spurs when an immune system attacks the lining of a small intestine, ending in intestinal damage that may lead to cancer in some rare cases. To find out if you truly have CD, a blood test needs to be done, but if you stop eating gluten, it will most likely throw off the test results and come back negative. Gluten intolerant and CD does not just “go away”, it goes with the individual throughout their whole life.

More and more people seem to be “jumping on the band wagon” over this craze. It is about time we get the right facts and be knowledgeable on this topic.